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A project manager has all the responsibilities of a project. A good leader will yield a good product in the end. Project leadership is considered as establishing a work environment and project culture that adds to the project’s success and performance. It’s all about making decisions, making judgment calls, and keeping the team motivated via clear communication. So here are a few characteristics of project management leaders.

Various Types Of Leaders In Project Management
Various Types Of Leaders In Project Management

Various Types Of Leaders In Project Management

In this article, you will learn about various types of leaders in project management. Knowing the types will help you understand the leading capabilities of a manager.


The leadership style of the hands-off project manager is to let their team lead themselves. Teams are generally left to make their own decisions, create objectives, and put their ideas into action to complete the tasks. This type of leadership is usually built on the importance of trust. On the one hand, this approach will be beneficial and appropriate for firms that demand innovation and originality. However, if the team is not entirely developed, this leadership style might negatively influence and diminish the odds of project success.



Goals, feedback, and techniques to assess a person’s incentives are part of the transactional style. A transactional project manager is likely to enforce rules, processes, and procedures. They will even use a system of reward and punishment to ensure that the team is constantly disciplined in carrying out the ideals it has established. This management style is most common in middle management.



The Visionary leadership approach creates a team’s vision regarding a project. It inspires team members by setting a common goal that all project participants can recognize and strive for. After forming a solid team relationship, this technique is most successful. When a project manager regularly shares project goals with their team, this leadership style works well.



This leadership entails empowering the team via ideal traits and behaviors, inspiring enthusiasm, fostering innovation and creativity, and taking into account individual needs. Close monitoring is unnecessary for a leadership setting since the team is generally proactive, energetic, inventive, and highly devoted.



The affiliative leadership style encourages team members to form good bonds. It promotes team cohesiveness by putting people’s emotional needs first. This leadership style focuses on giving praise and engaging in team-building activities.



This type of leadership emphasizes success and efficiency while promoting a high level of performance. Leaders that utilize this approach hold their employees accountable for reaching goals. This approach may work well with highly motivated, knowledgeable, and thrive in fast-paced situations.



Charismatic leadership kind places a premium on the leader’s personality or charm, or in this case, the project manager’s delight. The team or followers are then persuaded by great energy, excitement, strong belief, and self-confidence interpersonal qualities.



Democratic leadership encourages team participation and feedback in decision-making. Group talks, cooperation, and teamwork are valued under this leadership style. When members of an artistic project feel like they have some ownership over the content they create, they are more likely to participate.



The coaching leadership focuses on recognizing an individual’s strengths and shortcomings to foster long-term professional development and progress. When creating professional development goals, this leadership style addresses the interests and objectives of individuals. Leaders encourage team members to improve existing abilities or learn new ones by offering them challenging assignments.



Interactional project managers think about the work environment, company culture, market difficulties, conflict and complexity, and the impact of leaders on the business. This form of project management employs two types of interaction models: relationship-oriented and task-oriented.



Certain project managers also use directive/autocratic leadership. A leader that uses this leadership style gives clear guidance and makes choices either alone or with a tiny number of other leaders. A directive or authoritarian leadership style may be less successful for initiatives that rely on cooperation and collaboration to define goals, create strategies, and make choices.


Final words

Effective project managers make the best use of a project’s resources to accomplish all of the project’s goals, including meeting deadlines, remaining on budget, and achieving quality requirements. Consider setting smaller, quantifiable goals to measure your progress after identifying the core goals of your project. These objectives may assist you in breaking down bigger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. For more details connect with Rafiuddin Alvi.


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