Choose The Package That Suits Your Needs. Fully Updated As Per New PMP Guidelines (Includes Multiple Answer Choice, Drag And Drop Questions, And Fill In The Blanks)

Test Package

$ 99 Access lasts for 90 days
  • 1000+ Practice Questions which includes:
  • 4 Full Length Mock Tests (720 Questions in total)
  • 16 Chapter Questions (406 Questions in total)
  • Maths Mock Test (100 Questions in total)
  • 1000+ Question Explanation Videos
  • 67+ chapter videos
  • 1200+ chapter slides
  • On-the-go study partner (67+ Podcasts)
  • Personalized step by step study plan
  • Personalized Mentorship
  • PMP® Application Support
  • PMI® Approved 35 Contact Hours
  • 210 Actual Cloned Questions by PMI®
  • 6 days PMI® Approved Live Virtual Training
  • Exclusive 1-ON-1 Live Training as per your calendar


$ 199 Access lasts for 180 days
  • 1000+ Practice Questions which includes:
  • 4 Full Length Mock Tests (720 Questions in total)
  • 16 Chapter Questions (406 Questions in total)
  • Maths Mock Test (100 Questions in total)
  • 1000+ Question Explanation Videos
  • 67+ chapter videos
  • 1200+ chapter slides
  • On-the-go study partner (67+ Podcasts)
  • Personalized step by step study plan
  • Personalized Mentorship
  • PMP® Application Support
  • PMI® Approved 35 Contact Hours
  • 210 Actual Cloned Questions by PMI®
  • 6 days PMI® Approved Live Virtual Training
  • Exclusive 1-ON-1 Live Training as per your calendar

Boot Camps

$ 299 Access lasts for 365 days
  • 1000+ Practice Questions which includes:
  • 4 Full Length Mock Tests (720 Questions in total)
  • 16 Chapter Questions (406 Questions in total)
  • Maths Mock Test (100 Questions in total)
  • 1000+ Question Explanation Videos
  • 67+ chapter videos
  • 1200+ chapter slides
  • On-the-go study partner (67+ Podcasts)
  • Personalized step by step study plan
  • Personalized Mentorship
  • PMP® Application Support
  • PMI® Approved 35 Contact Hours
  • 210 Actual Cloned Questions by PMI®
  • 6 days PMI® Approved Live Virtual Training
  • Exclusive 1-ON-1 Live Training as per your calendar